Saturday, March 22, 2008


I thought I could count on Pizza Hut, really. Pizza Hut would never let me down. Right?

Not so fast.

Pizza Hut has this new pizza thing called Pizza Mia, which is a medium 1-topping pizza with less crust and fewer toppings, but if you get 3 or more of them they are only 5 bucks each. Anyway, upon seeing their commercial, I noticed there was a hint of Papyrus on the commercial at the end. Kind of subtle, but defintely there.

Well, considering I typically hang out with a group of four or five hungry guys, we actually decided to order the Pizza Mia special. (Who says advertising doesn't work?) Eight pizzas later, I have all the papyrus documentation I need to make sure those Pizza Hut graphic designers won't be able to find a job anywhere in the country.

BUUUUTTTTTTTT wait. As if that's not enough, imagine if somehow Pizza Hut could use even more Papyrus than just their Pizza Mia offshoot. Impossible you say? Think again. Upon entering their store, I noticed they had a poster for another Pizza (not even a Pizza Mia thing) and guess what the dominant typeface is? How did you know...

What's next? The Pizza Hut logo in Papyrus? Someone needs to do something about these designers!

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