Monday, February 2, 2009

Papyrus, The International Typeface!

Yes I know I am the biggest slacker ever, but don't think I've forgotten you completely. Claire, a faithful reader, contributor and friend, brings us this next installment of Papyrus straight from Mexico. Apparently the appeal of Papyrus knows no borders or "fences." Mexico, a place normally known for it's exciting nightlife, beautiful beaches, and warm weather (among other things), now has another impressive feature to add to it's laundry list: papyrus using. I can only hope that this remains a relatively minor offense, and that Mexico is just in an "experimental" phase and will grow out of it. Otherwise I may lose all hope for our bordering friends.


Jill Johnson said...

I know that you don't really update this blog very much anymore, but I saw this and thought of you:

Unknown said...

Found a new one even though this blog is dead.